China lawyer 1

China lawyer 2

China lawyer 11

China lawyer 1
The Zhao Law Firm provides expert legal counsel to business transactions between China and the United States. Whether you are looking to conduct business in China or attract Chinese investors or funding for opportunities in America, the Zhao Law Firm has the experience and know-how to help you accomplish your goals. Since 1999, Attorney Lincoln Z. Zhao has successfully represented hundreds of clients ranging from Fortune-100 conglomerates to new start-ups across a wide range of industries. As your dedicated China lawyer, we strive to grow with our clients and form long term relationships based on trust, reliability and durability. Leveraging our experience, we offer a unique balance of local knowledge, legal expertise and practical commercial sense that is designed to achieve the best results for our clients.
招氏律师事务所专注为在美国居住、工作、投资或留学的华人群体提供优质、高效的中英文双语法律服务 。招展律师原籍上海,1999年成为麻省和纽约州律师,先后在波士顿、纽约、华盛顿、香港、北京、上海各地从事律师工作,分别在多家盛誉全球的华尔街律所担任资深法律顾问。充分利用我所团队的文化背景和工作经验,我们为客户提供最可靠、可行、可保障的法律服务,旨在维护华人群体的利益,确保新移民在美国的生活质量和个人权利。我们的主要业务领域为商务、置业、和投资,并对中美两国之间的跨境交易拥有丰富的实践经验。通过我所分布在纽约、麻省、佛州和美国各地的律师网络,我们可为每一个客户提供一站式服务,全程代理各种项目、交易、纠纷的执行和解决。我们期待与在美的广大华人群体一起成长,与您建立一个长久、互信的工作关系。